Japan considering options for cooperating with US to defend Taiwan: report

  • 發佈時間:2021/03/22 22:34更新時間:2021/03/23 18:05
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Japan considering options for cooperating with US to defend Taiwan: report

Japan is mulling sending troops to defend Taiwan in the event of an armed conflict. Nikkei Asia, citing unnamed Japanese government sources, says Japan is right now assessing the feasibility of such a move. In a security meeting with the U.S. last Tuesday, Japan's defense chief said there was a need to assess military cooperation between the two sides, in case of a crisis in the Taiwan Strait. According to the news report, Japan is considering sending troops to protect U.S. warships and military planes operating in the region. 

更多新聞: 快新聞/日本自衛隊員確診!接觸者採檢中 駐沖繩美軍家屬也染疫

Lloyd Austin, US secretary of defense (March 16)
The U.S.-Japan alliance remains a cornerstone in addressing today’s and tomorrow’s challenges as we work together to uphold a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Kishi Nobuo, Japanese minister of defense
I would hereby also like to underscore the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

After holding their “two plus two” security talks last week, Japan and the U.S. emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. But during the dialogue itself, the two sides spoke in far greater detail. According to Japanese media, the U.S. and Japan affirmed their cooperation in the event of a military attack on Taiwan. Both parties believed the growing frequency of PLA incursions into Taiwan’s ADIZ increased the likelihood of armed conflict in the region. Japanese Minister of Defense Kishi Nobuo pointed out Japan’s proximity to the Taiwan Strait, and said a China-Taiwan conflict would inevitably affect regional peace. He said it was necessary to explore ways the Japan Self-Defense Forces could assist the U.S. forces sent to support Taiwan. When asked for comment, former defense chief Feng Shih-kuan said only that he’s confident in Taiwan’s military leadership.

Feng Shih-kuan, Veterans Affairs Council minister
I do not comment on military affairs anymore. But you all should put your trust in the Ministry of National Defense. There are many officers there with strategic thinking.

Chen Po-wei, Taiwan Statebuilding Party
Since the transition of power in the U.S., the new administration has continued to support the security of the Taiwan Strait. I think this just a continuation of their strategy. There is nothing surprising about that.

It’s worth noting that Japan has a history of speaking conservatively when it comes to the Taiwan Strait. This time around, it’s taken the lead on the issue of Japanese support for U.S. troops. DPP lawmakers say the shift shows the Taiwan Strait is no longer merely a cross-strait issue.

Tsai Shih-ying, DPP lawmaker
This is the first time that issues relating to Taiwan received such priority in security talks between the U.S. and Japan, or in the “two plus two” meeting. Japan’s attitude is an extension of the spirit of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan.

Chen Ting-fei, DPP lawmaker
Even Japan, which was relatively conservative on Taiwan issues in the past, is now willing to dispatch reinforcements. The world is increasingly paying attention to the issue of Taiwan. Taiwan’s status can no longer be ignored.

With China flexing its military might, the U.S. and Japan are making moves to cooperate on defending Taiwan, underscoring Taiwan’s key position on the world stage.


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[[美國國防部長 奧斯汀(03.16)]]

[[日本防衛大臣 岸信夫(03.16)]]


[[退輔會主委 馮世寬]]

[[立委(基進) 陳柏惟]]


[[立委(民) 蔡適應]]

[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]


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