Search continues for airman missing off coast of Pingtung

  • 發佈時間:2021/03/23 22:37更新時間:2021/04/22 16:08
  • LINE
Search continues for airman missing off coast of Pingtung


The search continues for one of two Air Force pilots who crashed off the coast of Pingtung on Monday. The missing pilot, Captain Pan Ying-chun, was flying an F-5E that apparently collided with another F-5E during a training exercise. The pilot of the second jet, First Lieutenant Lo Shang-hua, was found unconscious in the ocean and later pronounced dead. Speaking at a groundbreaking ceremony in Taipei, President Tsai Ing-wen expressed condolences to the family of the pilot who died in the line of duty. She said she’d asked the defense ministry to do all it could to recover the airman still missing.

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Tri-Service General Hospital’s Songshan branch broke ground on a new building on Tuesday. President Tsai did the honors for the 11-story project, which will be dedicated to aviation medicine and flight safety. But in the wake of a tragic fighter jet collision the day before, President Tsai was in a somber mood.


Tsai Ing-wen, president: Very regrettably, two F-5E fighter jets collided yesterday off the coast of Pingtung's Mudan Township. On my behalf, Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng went to Taitung this morning to pay his respects to the bereaved. He also oversaw the ongoing search for the missing airman. I have instructed the Ministry of National Defense to do everything in its power to find the pilot and to clarify the cause of the incident. I also want to express my deepest condolences to the family of the airman who died in the line of duty. This incident is a tragedy, but our service members will continue to hold fast to their posts.


A retired Air Force officer, Veteran Affairs Council chief Feng Shih-kuan expressed dismay when speaking to reporters about the crash.


Feng Shih-kuan, Veterans Affairs Council head: We don’t know if we will recover him. But we still have to try. My heart is very heavy. But I want everyone to know that flight accidents are unavoidable. We have to try our best to prevent them. I think the Air Force has made the best possible preparations, but there are weather factors and human factors, so these things can happen. I ask all the people of this country to remember the service and sacrifice of our airmen. Our national defense depends on the Air Force. We need to work together.


Speaking on the cause of the crash, a defense official said preliminary findings point to a mid-air collision.


Huang Chih-wei, Air Force chief of staff lieutenant general: They were ordered to exchange positions during a change in formation. No radio calls were heard. Units 1 and 3 are suspected of having collided. The collision was not seen when it occurred, but there was a visual on the debris in the air. In addition, an ejection seat was seen coming out of a plane. Therefore, it’s been judged that there was a mid-air collision.


The Ministry of National Defense has grounded all F5 fighter jets for inspections. The latest accident is the fourth on record involving an F-5E, which has claimed the lives of seven pilots. After the death of Captain Chu Kuan-meng last year, the pilot’s mother said the F-5E was known to be unsafe, and she had slammed the Air Force for having her son fly the jet. Her criticism, which was widely picked up national media, has resurfaced in the wake of yet another accident involving the plane.

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