President Tsai Ing-wen ‘willing to receive COVID domestic vaccine’: spokesman

  • 發佈時間:2021/03/23 16:03更新時間:2021/03/23 18:05
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President Tsai Ing-wen ‘willing to receive COVID domestic vaccine’: spokesman

Health minister Chen Shih-chung was the second in the country to get vaccinated this morning. At a press conference later in the day, he reported having a minor backache, but said the symptom was most likely all in his head. The health chief was asked if President Tsai Ing-wen should get vaccinated.

更多新聞: AZ公布最新報告 武肺疫苗100%防重症

Chen Shih-chung, Health minister
Not being vaccinated is still the greater risk. There’s a greater risk of personal harm and harm to society. In my opinion, if we successfully develop a domestic vaccine, the president can take the lead in receiving it. That would have a great meaning, because a domestic vaccine would become an effective, long-term tool we can use against the epidemic. As for whether the president gets vaccinated, I think that will be determined by her medical team.

Xavier Chang, Presidential Office spokesman
The president also feels it’s a good idea and is willing to take real action to support domestic vaccines. Once a domestic vaccine is successfully developed, of course she’d be willing to take action to support it.

The spokesman said both the president and vice president would be willing to receive a made-in-Taiwan COVID vaccine, to demonstrate confidence in the formula. He said the decision on when to get vaccinated will be made by the president's medical team.


國產疫苗若研發成功 陳時中建議總統帶頭接種


[[衛福部長 陳時中]]

[[總統府發言人 張惇涵]]

對此,總統府發言人張惇涵回應,一旦國產疫苗研發成功,總統蔡英文及副總統賴清德當然願意以實際行動支持國產疫苗,讓國人及國際對Made In Taiwan的疫苗能安心、有信心。總統該打哪一款疫苗,一切尊重專家評估。

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