Transport, finance stocks rise as TSMC stalls

  • 發佈時間:2021/03/23 16:03更新時間:2021/04/22 16:09
  • LINE
Transport, finance stocks rise as TSMC stalls

Taiwan shares were mixed on Monday, with shipping and traditional industry
stocks leading a charge that left chip giant TSMC behind. The chipmaker,
which went ex-dividend last week, touched an intraday low of NT$586 before
closing flat. Meanwhile there was upward price action in the transport sector,
which closed up nearly 6%, and in traditional industries like cement. The Taiex
ended the day up 0.74% at 16,189 points.

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Traders watch the tickers are TSMC continues its downward slide. Foreign investors continued selling on Monday, sending the chip stock to NT$586 in morning trade. The broader index was dragged below 16,000 points at one point, before getting a lift from tech firms Hon Hai and UMC. Support also came from transport shares like Yang Ming Marine Transport, China Container Terminal and Wan Hai Lines. The Taiex closed up 118 points at 16,189, on turnover of NT$332.2 billion.

It was a mixed close for the Taiex, as investors reckoned with a weakening Wall Street. With foreign funds flowing out of TSMC since its ex-dividend date, the blue chip has lost its shine to small and medium enterprises, traditional industries, and finance stocks. Over on the foreign exchange market, the New Taiwan dollar weakened to close at NT$28.492 against the greenback, down NT$0.029.

Huang Wen-ching, Stock analyst
Since the start of March, everyone has started worrying about the issue of market rates going up. For foreign investors, one strategy is to stay conservative, especially in light of the surge we’ve already had this year. These weighted electronics and tech stocks are continuing to be oversold, dragging market performance in terms of electronics shares, which are in a choppy consolidation mode. Only small and medium-sized electronics businesses are performing well.

Big swings on Wall Street are sending ripples through the Taiex. Investors are advised to tread with caution and keep a close eye on capital flows.


鴻海撐盤.航運爆發 台股漲118點守住萬六



股民盯緊盤面,因為台積電除息,外資持續賣不停,台積電早盤跌至586元,大盤一度失守萬六,不過在台積電翻紅、鴻海、聯電強勢撐盤下,加上航運股陽明、中櫃、萬海強勁漲停帶頭下,加權指數終場上漲118點,收在16189點,成交值3322億。 台股漲跌互見,股民早已習慣,因為受到美股走弱影響,加上台積電除息,外資持續賣超,讓護國神山失色,資金湧入中小型股,傳產、金融表現出色,不過相較於台股,新台幣表現持續走弱,兌美元終場收28.492元,貶2.9分。

[[分析師 黃文清]]
