世界同志遊行「遭禁用Taiwan」宣布停辦 外交部遺憾:與組織價值背道而馳

  • 發佈時間:2022/08/12 16:20更新時間:2022/08/12 16:20
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世界同志遊行「遭禁用Taiwan」宣布停辦 外交部遺憾:與組織價值背道而馳


更多新聞: 快新聞/堅下鵬上! 王世堅:解決就好不計較先前霸凌羞辱

由「高雄同志大遊行」及「台灣同志遊行」組成的「台灣世界同志遊行籌備委員會」,今(12)日發布聲明表示被迫停辦「WorldPride 2025」,其聲明指出,雖經籌備委員會努力溝通,「InterPride」推翻雙方達成以「WorldPride Taiwan」為名稱的共識,強硬要求在台灣舉辦的活動只能使用城市名,因此要求改名為「WorldPride Kaohsiung」。外交部對籌備委員會被迫停辦活動的情形均有充分掌握,對此結果深表遺憾。

外交部提到,「高雄同志大遊行」2021年11月取得「WorldPride 2025」主辦權;經外交部居間協助,洽獲「InterPride」更正新聞稿中對我方的不當稱呼,雙方也達成「WorldPride Taiwan」為活動名稱的共識。





On August 12, the WorldPride 2025 Taiwan Preparation Committee, jointly set up by Kaohsiung Pride (KHPride) and Taiwan Pride, released a statement indicating that it was being forced to cancel WorldPride 2025. The committee and InterPride had previously reached a consensus, agreeing to call the event WorldPride Taiwan. However, despite persistent efforts by the committee, InterPride reneged on the agreement, rigidly insisting that only the city name be used and that the event be called WorldPride Kaohsiung instead. MOFA is fully aware of the circumstances under which the committee has been forced to cancel the event and deeply regrets this result.

In November 2021, KHPride won the bid to host WorldPride 2025. With MOFA serving as an intermediary, InterPride rectified a press release in which it had used an inappropriate designation to refer to Taiwan, and both sides reached a consensus to call the event WorldPride Taiwan.

WorldPride Taiwan would have been the first WorldPride event to be held in East Asia and would have helped meaningfully advance diversity and equality across Asia and the world. Taiwan deeply regrets that InterPride, due to political considerations, has unilaterally rejected the mutually agreed upon consensus and broken a relationship of cooperation and trust, leading to this outcome. Not only does the decision disrespect Taiwan’s rights and diligent efforts, it also harms Asia’s vast LGBTIQ+ community and runs counter to the progressive principles espoused by InterPride.

MOFA emphasizes that Taiwan was the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage and that Taiwan’s commitment to the pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion has been widely lauded by the international community. For years, Taiwan has held large-scale Pride parades and events, demonstrating that it is the most capable country in Asia to host WorldPride. Although this result is disappointing, it will not dampen the enthusiasm of Taiwan’s people in their pursuit of freedom and equal rights.

MOFA expresses its affirmation and admiration of the WorldPride 2025 Taiwan Preparation Committee for its efforts to uphold its principles, fight for Taiwan’s rights and interests, and safeguard national dignity. In the future, MOFA will continue to assist equal rights groups in Taiwan and leverage a variety of channels to raise awareness worldwide regarding Taiwan’s experience and success with equal rights promotion.


更多新聞: 快新聞/林智堅退選、鄭運鵬上陣 鄭文燦暖喊:桃園隊會挺過亂流